Just release from Love The Drive
2015 – 2016 Convertible Mustang Windscreen
1965 – 1968 Convertible Mustang Windscreen
- Your convertible wind deflector will reduce wind speed by up to 75%
- Enjoy driving with your top down earlier in the spring and later into the fall
- Listening to music or have a conversation even at highway speeds
- Open and close your convertible top without removing the wind deflector
- Helping you love your convertible more & keeping you looking great
Go to Windcreens.aapd.net to purchase
“After setup it’s in and out of your car in under One Minute.”
Install a Windscreen on your convertible
Mustang and start enjoying the drive even more!
Also available for:
- 1987-1990 Mustang Convertible
- 1991-1993 Mustang Convertible
- 1994-2004 Mustang Convertible
- 2005-2014 Mustang Convertible
Hi – can you help – I am taking delivery of a new Mustang Convertible in a few weeks here in Scotland UK. I want to get a wind deflector for it – is this something you can supply and if so how much would it cost? Thanks Stu
A windscreen is a must for a Mustang vert. I have mounted a wind deflector called Windblox windstop. Now there’s no beat up feeling even after a long arduous al fresco cruise.