What is it that the seller has to offer? Determining what it is that you have or that you plan on purchasing isn’t too difficult, you just need a little knowledge. Continue reading Selecting and Purchasing a Classic Mustang
Category Archives: Selection and Planning
Preparing Your Work Space
Before you get over ambitious and start tearing apart your Mustang you should evaluate your workspace. You are going to need some room to work on your classic Mustang. Continue reading Preparing Your Work Space
Inventory and Condition Inspection
Now that you have selected the Mustang to be restored and set up your workshop you need to start planning. Planning begins with building a Mustang inventory of parts that you can purchase new, then inspecting you Mustang to determine which parts will be replaced with new parts, which parts will be purchased used and which parts you will restore. Preparing an inventory worksheet will help keep you organized and provide a rough estimate of you budget requirements. Continue reading Inventory and Condition Inspection