If you read one of my earlier posts then you know that I didn’t have much in the way of tools to do a restoration project; well that has changed. I started searching for tools last week to begin expanding my collection, the first thing on my list was a tool box. I found a nice tool box on closeout at Sears and it should hold most of the tools that I will need to do the job.
I have also been searching for an all inch (SAE) tool set as well, I found a set but it is not available to ship so I put my name on the notification list and ventured down the street to grandpas house to see if I could round up a wrench set at the very least. I had some luck putting together a set of wrenches and also picked up a few specialty tools as well that grandpa had in his tool box. The following day I received a generous contribution; a bench grinder and a small bench vise. Thanks Robby!