Category Archives: Project Playboy

DSCF0050_thumb1Project Playboy is the complete restoration of a 1967 Ford Mustang Coupe, with a special order paint color designated “Playboy Pink”. The chapters of Project Playboy cover selection and planning, disassembly, body and paint, reassembly and much more.

Follow the restoration progress and get valuable insight into the restoration process that will help you plan your Mustang restoration project.

Wiring Harness and Under Dash Removal

This step in the disassembly strategy is focused on removing the Mustang wiring harnesses from this classic mustang. Before I can remove the main under dash harness there is quite a few items that need to be disconnected and removed, some of these items have already been prepared for removal during the last phase of the disassembly strategy “engine compartment”. Continue reading Wiring Harness and Under Dash Removal

Inventory and Condition Inspection

Now that you have selected the Mustang to be restored and set up your workshop you need to start planning. Planning begins with building a Mustang inventory of parts that you can purchase new, then inspecting you Mustang to determine which parts will be replaced with new parts, which parts will be purchased used and which parts you will restore. Preparing an inventory worksheet will help keep you organized and provide a rough estimate of you budget requirements. Continue reading Inventory and Condition Inspection